Scottish Royal Culture
Infused within Federal Insignia
by Robert J. Silverstein


GWI 12-B.Front Shot 2

ZF-WI 12-B EAGLE & STAR BRASS 34.63MM 54 INDENTS R-5 ORIG SHANK NON DUG PD $2,000. 04-27-13 O1



The True Origins of the Eagle, Three Arrows, and Olive Branch

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     The Three Arrows on the George Washington inaugural buttons can represent several things in reference to Scottish Royal Culture’s history. First, it shows that the King of Scotland has the divine authority as ruler over Scotland, England, and Ireland. Second, the three arrows represents The Royal Company of Archers of Scotland. This goes back to Queen Mary Scot who would be given a pair of Arrows at the end of the tournament. Pair was 3 in actuality because one arrow was always a default. The Royal Company of Archers used the symbol of three arrows to represent themselves. Throughout history these noted archers were the Lifeguards (Bodyguards) to the King of Scotland. This archery ceremony carried on through the years until King James II was deposed from the throne in 1698.

     When Robert Scot is showing the Three Arrow design on the George Washington Inaugural buttons 1, 12, 13, 24, and 25 he is giving America’s New Republic a Proud Scottish Military foundation from Scottish Royal Culture’s history. Even though the Bonnie died in 1788, Robert Scot could have viewed the American Revolution as a Scot’s War, and the Three Arrow Symbol is a tribute to this old Scottish ceremonial guard for the archery contest to be Lifeguards of the King. This is in concert to other insignia part of the  “Allusion Artistry” by Robert Scot to infuse Scottish Culture into America’s new federal insignia. Also, the Allusion of the Three Arrows was a way of strengthening George Washington’s military position which ultimately derived from Scottish Gentry support from arboriculture and agriculture By using this old guard heraldry symbol it would act as a reinforcement to Gentry Scottish families who supported and then lost their ambition of the Bonnie Prince (House of Stuart) regaining ruling in America after the Revolutionary War.

     By the use of these Three Arrows with the (Transformational Phoenix)  Federal Eagle (Fig. 1) he is depicting it as a symbol representing  Scottish Protection and Allegiance to the Scottish Templars academics who followed the Phoenix and the Zoroastrian fire temple (Pillar) from around the 1st Century (Fig. 2). This would be the Scottish bloodline of Sir John Scott and Ann Drummond family line. Through cross-examination of evidence (Fig. 3) we see evidence of Robert Scot’s 1778 Currency note engraving which was printed by Halls and Sellers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This currency note also depicts Scottish Royal Culture symbolism of the Royal Company of Archers which pre-dates to more then 10 years before there was even a thought of a Federal Government nevertheless a United-States. In this depiction, Robert Scot pays two tributes. One to the Royal Company of Archers, and the second to his teacher Sir Robert Strange “Transformational Scrolling Art.” If we examine the currency note carefully, we can see Sir Robert Strange’s Scrolling Art work which he did in 1745 for Prince Edward Stuart’s currency pence copper plates to pay his rebellious Clan Armies. Robert Scot used and then transformed his teacher’s techniques for his currency notes as an anti-counterfeiting measure. Also, a student teacher tribute might be here indirectly. Sir Robert Strange was the Lifeguard for the Prince Bonnie before exiled to France. Who were the lifeguards made-up from? The Royal Company of Archers. So, with those two theories I see Scottish relationship ties all around me.

     The American Patriot that bought a GWI button saw the Three Arrows from the new federal government representation. The Three Arrows stands for the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of government. The Olive Branch was taken from Prince Edward Stuart also as depicted in Sir Robert Strange’s portrait photo (Fig. 4). This will demonstrate how the Phoenix (Helmet) (American Eagle) Laurel Branch (Roman Olive Branch) and Three Arrows (Federal Govt. Branches) all derive from Robert Scot’s Scottish Royal culture symbolism. Taken all together the symbols denote the power of peace & war which is exclusively vested in both houses of Congress and the President.



GWI 12-B EAGLE & STAR BRASS 34.63MM 54 INDENTS R-5RJ Silverstein's O 2

Figure: A.1 GWI 12 with Eagle & Three Arrows
RJ. Silverstein Collection


Figure: A.2 Sir John Scottʼs Templar symbolism ornamentally placed on their family fire place
at their ancestral home, Scotstarvet Tower.


1778 Fifty Dollars Philadelphia Hall & Sellers Colonial Currency O.jpg 2

Figure: A.3 Robert Scot’s Philadelphia Currency note Depicting the Scottish three Arrows.


Portrait of Prince Edward Stuart by Sir Robert Strange