Robert J. Silverstein 634 Little Britain Road New Windsor, New York, 12553 E-MAIL:
(845) 527-0020
Isabela at Mt. Vernon’s Revolutionary War Weekend 2016
~ My Goal & Library’s Mission ~
Isabela’s 1789 website is a free Library of pictured Rattlesnake, George Washington inaugural, and New Nation Tribute buttons which allow modern day button collectors to take an in-depth look behind the placed symbols of Allusions with their proper meanings revealed in true context and intent of the functions. The emphasis of Dale & I’s research will be in understanding how and for what reasons the Enlightened Council or Revolutionaries used vehicles to place religious and Scottish Royal Culture into the buttons to usher an Era of New Enlightenment.
Using our collaborated research we will decipher the multi-layered subcutaneous authoritative meanings behind the historical symbols which create the Allusions to various on-lookers. The campaign of the Council of Enlighten Men did not limit their infusion of heraldry exclusively to Rattlesnake, George Washington Inaugurals, and New Nation Tribute buttons, but used other vehicles of the Artisan Arts such as, Patriot Memorabilia, Authoritative Seals, Maps, Flags, and Colonial Currency Plates. Our findings provide irrefutable proof the positive network of individuals operating toward a successful New Republic guided by a Council of Enlighten Men with the framework of the Grand Architect.
Many of the button specimens exhibited within the library’s sections are retained in the personal collection of Robert J. Silverstein, Dale Hawley and others photos were graciously offered by private collectors seeking knowledge and truth. So, none of the buttons on this web site are for sale! Meaning, the intent of the website should be for button collector to learn and study the hidden meanings not provided in history books.
Since there is a learning curve in this field, one should take note that the information provided is just our newest current theories, or is our formulation of facts presented by the educated opinions in the prospective fields we study. The information might change if new evidence and facts present themselves. Often new information will come to light which will support alternative pathway to reach another conclusion. So, this library will most likely be a continuing work in progress and change over our lifetimes. Specimen submissions of objects to this library will be Free and Open to the Public, and any sort of membership monetary charge will not be necessary. It is my hopes that this website will become a completely interactive library between myself and all political and military button collectors. Members please feel free to use the open forum to submit questions to myself or Dale. Our information will be a key instrument in helping guide button collectors and enrollment into the proud hobby of button collecting.