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************* 1811-1829 *************
Major General William Henry Harrison was an iconic battlefield General who later became the 9th President of the United States. He was one of histories rare individuals who was able to translate his battlefield victories into post war political greatness. He started his political career in 1811, as Governor of what was known as the Indiana Territory. From this heightened political position he victoriously commanded a thousand troops compromising U.S. military and state militia against the Shawnee leader Tecumseh and his profit brother Tenskwatawa.
In this early era of western expansion, American frontiersman and settlers were willing to brave harsh living conditions in order to achieve a better life for themselves and their families. They trespassed into Native American Indian territories without any formal treaty declaration to trespass into established tribal lands. As the flood gates of expansion grew over the years by American settlers an Indian confederacy developed which was led by the Shawnee Chieftain Tecumseh. This was a coalition of tribes who violently opposed the settlement of the American west. As Indiana’s Territory’s Governor, Harrison sought some form of compromise at first. His original intensions was to just disperse without bloodshed any Indian uprisings. Unfortunately, his calm demeanor in resolving the problem changed as tension and violence escalated between settlers and Indians of the Confederacy. The Indian Confederacy headquarters at Prophetstown which was located near the Tippecanoe and Wabash Rivers became the flash point to what history would call “The Battle of Tippecanoe.” On November 7, 1811 in Battle Ground, Indiana the Shawnee leader Tecumseh of the tribal Confederacy lost the battle to William Henry Harrison’s military forces.
One can reasonable say that the success of the Battle of Tippecanoe contributed toward William Henry Harrison’s name recognition. His popularity was an inspiration to westward settlers, and the fanfare through newspaper reports had popularized his feat and even earned him the informal nickname, “Old Tippecanoe” throughout the public domain. His successful military campaign against the Native American Indian tribal Confederacy could be viewed as the foundation stone and catalyst into his future military and political career. When the War of 1812 broke out he was commissioned as a Major General in the United States Army. His assignment was to command the US infantry as well as the US cavalry in upper Canada. On October 5th 1813, he led his command in the Battle of Thames where he led a decisive victory against the British and their Indian allies in what was left of Tecumseh’s tribal Confederacy. As a result of the Battle of Thames the British ended-up losing control of western Ontario, and the Shawnee leader Tecumseh was killed in action. His death ended-up leading to the collapse of the tribal Confederacy which once flourished under his leadership.
After the War of 1812, William Henry Harrison moved to Ohio where he was elected once again to the House of US Representatives. By 1824, the Ohio state legislature elected him to congress as a United States Senator. In May of 1828, Harrison’s Congressional term was truncated because he got an appointment as a Minister of Plenipotentiary for South America. This was viewed in the infancy of American foreign affairs as a distinguished Diplomatic position. He would be narrating and proposing (setting) America’s foreign policies as head (chairman) of US-Gran Columbia Relations. Sort of a pseudo Ambassadorship.
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************* 1836 *************
After serving as a Diplomatic Minister, William Henry Harrison returned to private life in Ohio until 1836. With an aspiring country vision and having the correct military and political credentials, he was nominated for the Presidency of the United States as the Whig Party candidate. Unfortunately, in his first primary election he was defeated by democratic candidate Martin VanBuren. Having strong resolve and a steadfast vision he was once more he took up the challenge for Presidency of the United States once more in 1840 with John Tyler as his running mate. This time around he used stronger propaganda mechanisms and slogans like “Tippecanoe and Tyler too;” and saw fruit in interweaving the country’s birth heritage with his own family’s patriotic contributions in the both the American Revolution and signing of the Declaration of Independence.
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Part of William Henry Harrison’s successful propaganda mechanism is that he was able to transform his battlefield victories into his election campaign. This immensely helped him achieve a political stature of greatness. In this era, there was constant flow of newspaper accounts detailing his exploits throughout the states which helped him achieve name recognition and popularity. These intermittent country wide accounts of his deeds over the years most likely contributed too and caused an endearment by the people for him. By no means was this a trick of the media for a favorable candidate in electoral campaign. It is obvious that the same qualities that made William Henry Harrison a good field commander during the Battle of Thames and War of 1812 would be the foundation stone of strength within the Presidential candidate he was. He had an exceptional ability to organize large numbers of people, develop and implement complex plans which inspired voters to back him as President. Only by his measure did he win voter favor which caused the defeat of President Martin Van Buren in the 1840 Presidential election.
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************* 1839 *************
Campaign buttons were originally made to publicize candidates for government offices. Buttons depicting Log Cabins were mistakenly attributed by early button collectors to Abraham Lincoln the 16th President of the United States. This was possibly because Abraham Lincoln also grew up on the western frontier of Kentucky and Indiana. All log cabins with or without cider barrels, flagpoles, and farm implements (symbols) must be credited because of newspaper publicity campaigns such as, “The Log Cabin Advocate” did for William Henry Harrison.
Creme de la Creme of Harrison Buttons
1839-40 William Henry Harrison Military Tribute Political Campaign Suspender Button
Color: An Ochre of Browns with Clay Red and Gold Highlights.
Metal: Gilt Brass.
Size: 18.7mm Gilt Brass
Rarity: R-7 Only 1 known to exist.
Variation: Major General Harrison in Military Uniform / Holding Saber Sword / Sheaf of Wheat / Plow Harness / Hay Rake / Hay Fork / Stars Larger & More Prominent / Bit more Vegetation on Ground.
Present Condition: An Excavated Specimen, Strong Planchet Condition, A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: This specimen is a military tribute button verse the 2nd variation of Congressional or Presidential stature. This suspender button depicts Harrison in uniform as a Major General holding a Saber Sword. We know in the 1813 campaign he led the American Cavalry against the British and Indian Confederacy in upper Canada. I believe this button is a Cincinnati revelation. This button uniquely has the oxen plow foreground as a return to life instead of leaving or coming from which the 2nd variation depicts. The 13 Star symbolism is a heritage reflection of his father’s help in founding the country and being a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Robert Milburn found information that the button was made by Sherman Bronson, a Waterbury CT button maker for the delegates of the state convention for the Whig Young Men of the state of Connecticut who assembled at Hartford on February 26, 1840.
Reverse Description: Sherman Bronson / Waterbury. Deep mold four-hole sew-thru attachment. Usually designed to allow for heavy sewing thread.
Robert Milburn’s Thoughts: This was Sherman Bronson’s idea of his vision, to join his profession with his political beliefs. Remember this was designed and made early in Harrison’s campaign.
The Robert J. Silverstein Collection, February 2018.
Gifted to me by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Milburn.
Dug by Colonel Ron Cyrus in a Soy Bean Field in Virginia.
1840 William Henry Harrison Presidential Stature Political Campaign Suspender Button
Color: Dull Brass Yellow
Metal: Gilt Brass
Size: 19mm. ?
Rarity: R-6 (3 Known to Exist)
Variation: Type 2 Larger Harrison Stature / Ceremonial Sword as a Cane? / Smaller Stars.
Present Condition: Non Dug Specimens / Exceptional Planchet Condition / An Exceptional High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: After the National Button Bulletin’s publication in March of 2018, Vol 76 No 1, a second later date variation emerged within the button community. I list 3, because I believe there is still one or two being held by a non-political button collector who doesn’t follow current news, and does not understand the propaganda message in what they have. This variant depicts Harrison in Gentry Garb as a refined man of Congressional or Presidential Stature. The 13 Star symbolism is a heritage reflection of his father’s help in founding the country and being a Signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Reverse Description:Sherman Bronson / Waterbury. Deep mold four-hole sew-thru attachment. Usually designed to allow for heavy sewing thread.
************* 1840 *************
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In 1840 the Whig party selected William Henry Harrison as their Presidential candidate. The Whig strategy for the campaign was to present Harrison as an honored war hero emphasizing his victory over Tecumseh at the Battle of Tippecanoe. A whig supporter came up with and sung a catchy campaign toon, “Tipp & Ty,” and it caught fire among the party members and was sung during a Whig meeting in Ohio. This catchy toon ended up transforming into a memorable campaign slogan for the party “Tippecanoe & Tyler, Too!” The catchy phrase song, as well as the ideas it represented, quickly took off throughout the members of the Whig Campaign. The idea was that the United States would get a War Hero from the Battle of Tippecanoe, the country was getting southern candidate John Tyler who was capable of overthrowing the incumbent Martin Van Buren. The catchy party song also played a duel role. Not only did it emphasis the strengths of Harrison and Tyler, but it was quick to label Van Buren as a wealthy aristocrat snob who could not relate to the common hard working people.
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1840 Martin Van Buren Fancy Gentry Button
RJ Silverstein Collection
The Democratic party propaganda campaign chose to emphasize William Henry Harrison’s advanced age, with one newspaper commenting, “Give him a barrel of hard cider, and … a pension of two thousand dollars a year … and … he will sit the remainder of his days in his log cabin.” To the working class of modest means this was like a backhanded comment which placed an empathizing distance between Van Buren and the working class voter. This was the exact opposite of what the democratic party wanted in trying to humiliate Harrison. In a clever strategic propaganda campaign move the Whig party turned the democratic campaign to their own benefit, and declared Harrison as the country’s Log Cabin & Hard Cider Candidate. They promoted Martin Van Buren as a spoiled dandy who was a snob and catered to the elite. While William Henry Harrison was a true man of the people who was from a humble farm in North Bend, Ohio. Obviously, Harrison had come from a wealthy family, but his western frontier life in the Territory of Indiana was successful enough to connect him to the common man. The Whig party began producing all kinds of campaign paraphernalia which featuring log cabins and barrels of hard cider. These propaganda items included everything from, buttons, flags, dishes, textiles, ribbons, snuff boxes, lamps, and bottles.
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1840 “Tippecanoe” – “North Bend” Historical Cabin Bottle, Deep Forest Green
Mount Vernon Glass Works, Vernon, New York.
Only a Few Known Specimens Exist.
******* 1840 Campaign Buttons, Pins, & Brooches ******
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Harrison & Reform”
Log Cabin, Waving Flag on Pole, Cider Barrel, Smoking Chimney, Trees.
Gilt Brass Hand Colored W/ Chased Ornate Gilt Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Harrison & Reform”
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel, & Trees.
Hand Colored Engraving, Chased Ornate Gilt Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
Log Cabin, Large Cider Barrel, Tree.
Brass Foil Parts Painted Green
for Leaves & Grass, Black Enamel, Plain Thin Gilt Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel, Vegetation, & Drooping Flag.
Hand Painted, Ornate Gilt Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Harrison & Reform”
Log Cabin, Flag on Roof, & Cider Barrel.
Pink Sulphide Brooch, Gilt Ornate Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Log Cabin”
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel, Tree & Vegetation, & Smoking Chimney.
Hand Painted or Applied Decal, Gilt Ornate Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Harrison & Reform”
Log Cabin, Waving Flag on Roof, Cider Barrel, & Flanking Vegetation.
Coral Sulphide Brooch, Gilt Picture Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
Log Cabin & Flanking Trees
Log Cabin, Small Cider Barrel, Flag on Roof, Flanking Trees.
Black Sulphide Brooch, Gilt Chased Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Harrison & Reform”
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel & Pitcher, Large Tree.
Black Sulphide Brooch, Gilt Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
American Log Cabin
Log Cabin, Small Cider Barrel, Flag on Roof, Flanking Trees.
Gilt Brass, Raised Design in Recessed Field Chased Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“The Golden Ticket”
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel & Pitcher, Tall Tree, Flag on Pole.
Like Sulfide, Gold under Glass, Gilt Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
Log Cabin
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel, Waving Flag on Pole, Large Tree.
High Relief Brass, Brass Shell, Raised Picture Frame Edge.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Harrison & Reform”
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel on Table, Tree, Tall Grass.
This Brass, Lined Edge Border, Rare.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Harrison & Reform”
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel,Waving Flag on Pole, & Tree.
Black Sulphide, Plain Thin Gilt Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Log Cabin & Hard Cider”
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel W/ Hard Cider Unscripted, Large Trees, Plow, Smoking Chimney.
Silver Copper Shell Bade W/ Led Filled Backing, Beveled Edge.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Harrison & Reform”
Log Cabin, Cider Barrel, Tree, Waving Flag on Pole.
White Metal, or Pewter Plaque, Beveled Edge.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Pine Tree Log Cabin”
Log Cabin, Small Cider Barrel, Pine Trees, & Smoking Chimney.
High Relief Gilt Brass, Picture Frame Border Edge.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Harrison & Tyler American Flag”
Major Genl. Harrison Welcomes an old Soldier into his Log Cabin, Hard Cider, Plow,
& Indian in Canoe. This Gilt Frame.
Baltimore May 9, 1840 News Article
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Green Apple”
Log Cabin, Small Cider Barrel, Flanking Trees, Flag on Roof.
Green Apple Sulfide, Chased Ornate Gilt Frame.
1840 William Henry Harrison
“Cider Barrel”
Large Cider Barrel, Cork Center.
Heavy Bronze.
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************* Ohio Convention Stick Pin *************
William Henry Harrison
Log Cabin and Cider Barrel Whig Party Metal Stick Pin

This Gilt Brass Stick Pin features the Core Symbols of the Harrison Campaign of 1840
Robert J. Silverstein Collection.
The Hero of Tippecanoe
Picture Frame Fabric Swatch
1840 William Henry Harrison Military Portrait Political Campaign Coat Button
Color: Brass Yellow W/ Rusty Highlights.
Metal: Flat Recessed Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 20mm. Coat Size.
Sullivan Reference: WHH-1840-114
Albert’s Number: PC 132
Variation: Military Portrait.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: A Two-Piece button with a loop shank.
1840 William Henry Harrison Military Bust Political Campaign Cuff Button
Color: A Tarnished Green Brass.
Metal: Flat Recessed Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 20mm. Cuff Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 132-A / RV 75
Variation: Military Bust Facing Left on Recessed Oval Field / Star on Collar / Floral Legend.
Present Condition: A Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: This design has a cuff die variation with Harrison’s military bust facing right.
Reverse Description: A Two-Piece button with a loop shank. The shank is original, straight, and intact. Benedict & Burnham / Waterbury /Improved Patent.
1840 William Henry Harrison Military Bust Political Campaign Button
Color: Golden Yellow.
Metal: Flat Raised Design, 2-Piece Gilt Brass Shell.
Size: 21mm Coat Size.
Reference Number: WHH-1840-67
Albert’s Number: PC 131
Variation: Military Bust Facing Left / Double Row of 26 Five Pointed Stars / Inscription “Genl. W.H. Harrison.”
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Exceptional Planchet Condition / An Exceptional High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: There appears to be four variations of military busts of Harrison.
Reverse Description: A Two-Piece button with a loop shank. The shank is original, straight, and intact. Scovills / Waterbury. within a double incuse concentric ring.
1840 William Henry Harrison & Reform Political Campaign Button
Color: Brassy Brown With Golden Undertones.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm Coat size.
Albert’s Number: PC 138-B / RV 35.
Variation: Harrison & Reform / Log Cabin/ Grass in Forefront / The “M” does not touch the grass.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes: In this variant the “M” does not touch the grass.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-piece button with a re-soldered loop shank. R & W Robinson in Banner Ribbon / With Surmounting Federal Eagle.
1840 William Henry Harrison Tippecanoe Club Political Campaign Button
Color: Brass Yellow.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm Gilt Brass.
Albert’s Number: 141-B / RV 75.
Sullivan Number: WHH-1840-108.
Variation: Tippecanoe Club in Legend / No Canon Balls under Canon / Log cabin / Flag Waving / Cider Barrel.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Exceptional Planchet Condition / An Exceptional High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: Attached by a cord to a caption card indicating it was sold “… at our church fair held by the Ladies of Cheshire in the year 1840.” The “A” variation has 6 cannonballs under the canon.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-piece button with a loop shank. Benedict & Burnhm (sic) Extra rmdc
Picture Courteous of Heritage Auctions.
1840 William Henry Harrison Tippecanoe Club Political Campaign Button
Color: Brass Yellow.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm Gilt Brass.
Albert’s Number: 141-A / RV 75.
Sullivan Number: WHH-1840-108.
Variation: Tippecanoe Club in Legend / Six Canon Balls under Canon Breech / Log cabin / Flag Waving / Cider Barrel.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Exceptional Planchet Condition / An Exceptional High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: Attached by a cord to a caption card indicating it was sold “… at our church fair held by the Ladies of Cheshire in the year 1840.” The “A” variation has 6 cannonballs under the canon.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-piece button with a loop shank. E.E. Pritchard / Waterbury Con.
1840 William Henry Harrison Political Campaign Button
Metal: 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Albert’s Number:
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin W/ Smoking Chimney Political Campaign Button
Color: Tarnished Brass Yellow with flecks of Metal.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm. Coat Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 146-A / RV 15
Variation: Log Cabin W/ Barrel / Chimney W/ Small Amount of Smoke / Door Center.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: There appears to be 2 variants in coat and cuff sizes. Variant B has a considerable amount of smoke rising from the chimney.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank. R & W Robinson in Banner Ribbon / With Surmounting Federal Eagle.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin W/ Plow Political Campaign Button
Color: Dull Brass Yellow.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm Coat Size.
Albert’s Number: 149-A / RV 15.
Variation: Cider Barrel on R-H-S Behind Cabin / Plow on Right Foreground / Smoking Chimney.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: This button’s design has two Scovill backmarks.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank. Scovills & co/Waterbury. Incuse circular ring.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin W/ Plow Political Campaign Button
Color: Bright Brass Yellow.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm Coat Size.
Albert’s Number: 149-A.1 / RV 15.
Variation: Cider Barrel on R-H-S Behind Cabin / Plow on Right Foreground / Smoking Chimney.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Exceptional Planchet Condition / An Exceptional High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank. Scovills & Co /Extra.
1840 William Henry Harrison Political Log Cabin & Tree Campaign Button
Color: Leather Brown W/ Gilt Highlights.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm Coat Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 150 / RV 25
Variation: Log Cabin W/ Tree in Background / Cider Barrel & Plow on R-H-S / Six Plank Roof.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a re-soldered loop shank. Waterbury. M’g. Co Extra. /Oak Leaf 2 inside incuse rings.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin W/ Plow & Chickens Political Campaign Button
Color: Bright Copper W/ Brass Yellow Highlights.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm Coat Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 151-A / RV25 ?
Variation: Cider Barrel on R-H-S Behind Cabin / Chickens on Right Foreground / Plow on Left Foreground / Smoking Chimney.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin & Cider Barrel Political Campaign Button
Color: Brass Yellow.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm. Coat Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 152-A / RV 15
Variation: Log Cabin W/ Cider Barrel Under Window / Window Close to Right Corner / Chimney Smoke Blowing Left.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes: There are two known patterns to this design only differentiating in window spacing.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank. Benedict & Burnhmn (Sic) / Extra rmdc.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin & Cider Barrel Political Campaign Button
Color: Brass Yellow.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 21mm. Coat Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 152-B / RV 15
Variation: Log Cabin W/ Cider Barrel / Space on Each Side of Window / Chimney on R Smoke Blowing Left.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes: There are two known patterns to this design only differentiating in window spacing.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank. Benedict & Burnhmn (Sic) / Extra rmdc.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin & Waving Flag Political Campaign Button
Color: Brass Yellow With Brown Undertone.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: Coat or Vest Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 153A.1 / RV 15.
Variation: Log Cabin Door on R-H-S. Waving Flag on Pole on L-H-S / Cider Barrel in foreground.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a 2-piece button with a re-soldered loop shank. Extra Rich with 3 incuse concentric rings.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin Portrait Frame Political Campaign Button
Color: Brass Yellow.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 20mm. Coat Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 154 / RV 15
Variation: Log Cabin W/ Door on L-H-S. / Waving Flag on Pole / Smoking Chimney on L-H-S / Fence in Back Right.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank.
1840 William Henry Harrison Political Campaign Button
Color: Antique Brass Color.
Metal: 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 22mm. Coat Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 155-A / RV 15
Variation: Log Cabin / Chimney With Smoke / Cider Barrel / Grass on forefront.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes: There is 2 variation in this buttons design. One has the chimney with smoke, and the other does not have any smoke.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank. Benedict & Burnham W/in Banner Ribbon / Surmounting Eagle.
1840 William Henry Harrison Political Campaign Button
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Albert’s Number:
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank.
1840 William Henry Harrison Octagonal Cabin Political Campaign Button
Color: Shinny Brass.
Metal: Flat Recess & Raised Design 1-Piece Gilt Brass.
Size: 19mm Coat or Vest Size.
Albert’s Number: 161-A / RV 25
Variation: Recessed Cabin Portrait / Chimney on L-H-S / Even Spaced Lined Field / Floral Border / Nine Plank Roof.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a 1-Piece button with a loop shank. Rich Gold / . Color . rm
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin Political Campaign Button
Color: Tarnished Brass.
Metal: Slight Dome, Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 13mm. Cuff size.
Albert’s Number: PC 163 / RV 10
Variation: Log Cabin / Smoking Chimney on Right / Roof W/ 4 Panels.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes: The simple cuff button depicts a Log Cabin with an upright barrel in the front. The chimney is smoking and there is 4 panels on the roof.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank. Concave design A circle with 14 four pointed ornaments. within two Raised channel rings.
1840 William Henry Harrison Black Horn Political Campaign Button
Color: A Grayish Black.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Molded Black Horn.
Size: 28mm Cape or Lapel Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 164-A / RV 20
Variation: Log Cabin on Lined Field / Flag Pole on R-H-S / Eagle Surmounting Flag Pole / Leafy Tree on L-H-S of Cabin Rear / 7 Panel Roof / Chimney on L-H-S..
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes: This button was made in three size variations 28mm. / 25mm. / 22mm.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank in the center. T. Wells Ingram’s/Patent.
1840 William Henry Harrison Black Horn Political Campaign Button
Color: A Grayish Black.
Metal: raised Design, 2-Piece, Molded Black Horn.
Size: 25mm Coat Size / RV 15.
Albert’s Number: PC 164-A / RV 20
Variation: Log Cabin on Lined Field / Flag Pole on R-H-S / Eagle Surmounting Flag Pole / Leafy Tree on L-H-S of Cabin Rear / 7 Panel Roof / Chimney on L-H-S..
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: This button was made in three size variations 28mm. / 25mm. / 22mm..
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank in the center. T. Wells Ingram’s. / Patent .
1840 William Henry Harrison Barrel on Radial Line Field Political Campaign Button
Color: Dull Blackish-White.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Molded Horn
Size: 13mm? / RV ?
Albert’s Number: PC 181-A Unlisted cuff Size.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / A Good Gutta-Percha Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a two sew-thru button hole attachment.
1840 William Henry Harrison Barrel on Radial Line Field Political Campaign Button
Metal: raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 16-18mm? Cuff Size.
Albert’s Number: PC 181 Unlisted Cuff variant. / RV ?
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / A Strong Gutta Percha Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a two sew-thru button hole attachment.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin & Wreath Political Campaign Button
Color: Black Highlights W/ Brown Undertone.
Metal: Raised Design, 1-Piece, Bone or Composite Material, Leather Back.
Size: 15.87mm. Cuff Size.
Albert’s Number: Unlisted Variant
Variation: Log Cabin / Cider Barrel / Flanking Wreaths / Chimney Center.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes: This is an unlisted variant of Harrison Campaign buttons. Log Cabin surrounded by Wreaths.
Reverse Description: This is a two sew-thru button hole attachment. Leather Back.
1840 William Henry Harrison Cider Barrel Political Campaign Button
Color: Freckled Antique Brass Yellow.
Metal: Slight Dome, Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 13mm Cuff Size.
Albert’s Number: 184-A / RV 5
Variation: Plain Cider Barrel.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: This cuff is a portrait style with a Cider Barrel on a plain dome field.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-piece button with a loop shank. . Best Gold . / Color.
1840 William Henry Harrison Cider Barrel on Grass Political Campaign Button
Color: Brass Yellow.
Metal: Raised Design, 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Size: 12mm Cuff Size.
Albert’s Number: 185-A / RV 5
Variation: Cider Barrel on Straight Grassy Area.
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern Remains.
Robert’s Notes: There is two variations to this simple barrel design. One with a straight grass floor and one with a curved grass floor.
Reverse Description: This is a 2-piece button with a loop shank. Blank.
1840 William Henry Harrison Log Cabin Stick Pin
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************* 1840 *************
William Henry Harrison
Large Portrait Silk Ribbon W/ Declaration of Independence Theme
This William Henry Harrison silk campaign ribbon depicts William Henry Harrison in array of Americana Patriot nationalism. This Campaign Ribbon hits multi-facets of Harrison’s stature as a qualified Presidential candidate deep rooted in American culture. Centered in the lower half is a large distinguished portrait as a Senator or Governor. Arcing underneath is a banner noting to the public that he is the son of one of America’s Founding Fathers; Benjamin Harrison V who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Above his portrait is another American Patriotic themes taken from the Star Spangled Banner. Aside from the obvious, this could possibly act as a strong military reenforcement of his leadership as Major General in the War of 1812. To solidify his military attributes as a victorious general who yearned to be like General Cincinnati, and as a humble gentleman who became a politician for his love of his country, the portraits of President George Washington and General Lafayette surmount his own. The American flag is also waving on the western frontier with the Blue Field and Stars forward as possible homage to him being a hard charger who has humble log cabin and cider barrel associations.
The Robert J. Silverstein Collection.
Oil on canvas by, James Reid Lambdin in 1835
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************* March 4, 1841 – April 4, 1841 *************
William Henry Harrison Signature as President
“W. H. Harrison” signature taken from an 1841 vellum document. Printed in lower legend beneath his name, “By the President.” What makes this signature uniquely special is William Henry Harrison was only in office for one month in 1841, and is therefore one of the rarest of all signatures to obtain as President, by any serving President.
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************* Tippecanoe Inauguration Ball *************
Thursday March 4th 1841, Washington DC.
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************* Tippecanoe Inauguration Ball *************
Guest List
“Hon. Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, & Millard Fillmore”
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************* George Washington *************
Cincinnatus of the West
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Roman Eagle, Agricultural Plow, and Hatchet – Roman General Lucius Quinctius Cincinnati
American Eagle, Agricultural Plow, and Hatchet – American General George Washington
Bob,George Washington personified for himself the virtuous attributes of the Roman Patrician-General Lucius Quinctius Cincinnati by the wars end in 1784. To the American citizenry he must have embodied Cincinnati’s persona in Americas eyes by 1840. Never understood, learned or even forgotten the origins of his personification by the average American citizen. The great Roman General Cincinnati was now replaced by our own father Pater Patriae as in the publics eye because his virtuousness, and humbleness bestows his equal standing. Speed timeline up to our 9th president Harrison, and the 1839 campaign button you graciously gave me was emulating Washington at this point, not Cincinnati, but our father G. Washington with 13 stars above. Your friend, RYes Robert,
The average American probably did not know the fable, but all the educated ones did and they told the story in Pictures and ballad, and yes they were actually invoking Washington, so Harrison could bathe in the reflected glory of the humble hero, George Washington, “The Second Cincinattus” as he was called by history writers.
I speak to that in my article that Harrison, Like Washington was alluded to as “The Cincinnatus of the West”.
Washington was referred to by Lord Byron as the great Cincinnatus of the West, who, like his classic prototype, was called from his favorite pursuit, that of agriculture, to command the armies of his country, in defense of its liberty, against a formidable enemy. Having brought the struggle to a successful issue, Washington, like Cincinnatus, was tempted with a crown, and like him unconditionally laid down supreme power to become once more the private citizen; and returned, like Cincinnatus, to his plow and to peaceful pursuits.
George Washington as an Inventor and Promotor of the Useful Arts, An Address Given at Mount Vernon April 10th 1891, By Joseph Meredith Toner M.D.
WASHINGTON – By Lord Byron (1788–1824)
WHERE may the wearied eye repose
When gazing on the Great;
Where neither guilty glory glows,
Nor despicable state?
Yes—one—the first—the last—the best—
The Cincinnatus of the West,
Whom envy dared not hate,
Bequeath the name of Washington,
To make men blush there was but one!Bob –
William Henry Harrison Snuff Box
Embossed Seal of a Log Cabin,Cider Barrel, Plow
& Apple Tree whose Fruit Makes the Hard Cider!
1840 William Henry Harrison Political Campaign Button
Metal: 2-Piece, Gilt Brass.
Sullivan’s Number:
Albert’s Number:
Present Condition: A Non Dug Specimen / Strong Planchet Condition / A Strong High Relief Pattern.
Robert’s Notes:
Reverse Description: This is a 2-Piece button with a loop shank.