“If we cannot learn wisdom from experience,
it is hard to say where it could be found.”


~ 1789 to 1797 ~
GWI 24
The Federal Eagle
W/ The Regnal Jewels of Scotland Indentees


     Welcome to Isabela’s 1789, George Washington Inaugural Buttons Library. My name is Robert J. Silverstein, and I am the author, creator, and developer of this library of 1789 George Washington Inaugural, New Nation Tribute, and early 18th Century American & British Military buttons. With the invaluable partnership and friendship of Dale Hawley, Gary Gianotti, and Robert Milburn, we were able to infuse this website with a premier collection of historical buttons that help button collectors, as well as tell an untold story of the early insignia used during the founding of The United States of America. Our research and collaboration was done with other button collectors and university cultural historians, which has enabled us to bring out the true meanings behind the engraved symbols on these buttons.

     The button’s symbols were used by America’s early revolutionary colonists and then their meaningful symbols were placed as a tribute upon George Washington’s Inaugural and New Nation Tribute buttons. Afterward, they were used as the motif for America’s government identity and its military. Most of the European-American colonists’ early Revolutionary symbols that were adopted by America’s government are unknown in their origin, or their meanings have been forgotten by the future generations of Americans. In a way, this website’s decoding of America’s early symbols should be seen as a tribute in remembrance of the colonists and soldiers who cherished these symbols.

      After many years of research and collecting, I could document and provide 3 New George Washington inaugural button types and establish 13 new sub-variants. None of which were listed previously by Albert or Cobb. The site was also able to identify roughly 2600 known specimens to date (2024). Most of which were thankfully unearthed by 21st century metal detector enthusiasts, or found within private collections passed down through the generations. Unfortunately, in the last 235 years, there was very little to no publication of insignia meaning or design roots from previous collectors or historians. This site is built to address this issue.

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” Cum deo fortes milites”

* * * * * * * * * * * *

X Click here X for Buttons that are for Sale &
all of
February 2024 Library Updates!

* GWI 1 & NNT 1 *
Federal Eagle
March The Fourth
Memorable Era

* New Nation TR. 2 *
The Federal eagle
Rising in the Stars
E. Pluribus Unum

* GWI 3 *
G. Washington
President of the
Rising Republic

* GWI 4 *
G.W. Monogram
Linked States
America’s 3 Roads
1127 Dunkfeld Cathedral

* GWI 5 *
G.W. Monogram
With A Salient Pyramidal Flame Design

WI 6-A GW BRASS 33 MM 36 IMPRESSIONSRJ Silverstein's georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons.com O
* GWI 6 *
G.W. Monogram
W/ Chased Saint
Andrews Crosses

* GWI 7 *
The G.W. Monogram
With 72 Honeycomb
Legend Indentees

GWI 8-A 35mm GW Roman Monogram RJ Silverstein's geoorgewashingtoninauguralbutton O
* GWI 8 *
The Plain Roman
G.W. Monogram
* GWI 9 *
The Stipple Script
G.W. Monogram
King & 12 Knights


WI 10-A BRASS 35MM R-7 WI 10-B RJ Silverstein's georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons.com B-1
*GWI 10 *
G.W. Monogram
W/ Old World
Cross Legend

* GWI 11 *
G.W. Monogram
In The Wide
Oval Center

* GWI 12 *
The Eagle With
A Heraldic Estoile
Square Indentees

* GWI 13 *
The Federal Eagle
Eight Point Estoile
W/ Variable Legend

WI 14-A 31.8MM 74.3 GRAINS WI 14-A 31.8MM 74.3 GRAINS RJ Silverstein's georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons O
* GWI 14 *
A Scottish Rising
New Republic
St. Andrews Cross

* New Nation TR. 15 *
A Federal Eagle
Morning Glory
Thirteen Stars

* GWI 16 *
G. Washington
Folk Art
Inaugural Buttons

* GWI 17 *
Open Laurel
Wreath Crown

Bonnie Prince Star

* GWI 18 *
15 Star Pattern
Long Live The

* GWI 19 *
G.W. Portrait
The Pater Patriae
German Tribute

* GWI 20 *
The Script
G.W. Sovereignty
“E” Emmanuel 

WI 21-A 25MM R-6 DALE EXC. NY:MASS not for sale BORDER
* GWI 21-B *
G.W. Monogram
Federal Eagle
Stipple Cypher

ZL-WI 22-A GW WITH LIBERY CAP 22MM RJ Silverstein's georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons.com O
* GWI 22-B *
G.W. Monogram
W/ Honey Hive
In Phrygian Cap

WI 23-B 14mm Gilt Brass Dave Dug in South Carolina 5
* GWI 23 *
The Federal Eagle
W/ G.W. Monogram
And Liberty Cap

ZH-WI 24-A THE EAGLE WITH INVERTED DIAMONDS 35MM. GILDED BRASS 20-20 NOTCHES-INVERTED DIAMOND SRJ silverstein's georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons.com O
* GWI 24 *
The Federal Eagle
W/ Regnal Jewels
of Scotland

* 1783-1784 *
Sons of Cincinnati
A Fellowship of Officers

WI 26-A LIBERTY CAP WITH DATE 34mm Copper RJ Silverstein's georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons.com O
* 1789 *
Sons of Liberty
1789 Inaugural
Patriot Button

*1793 Portrait Cent*
G. Washington
A Non Gentry Class
Inaugural Button

* 1792 -1797 *
New Nation TR. 26

The Federal Eagle
W/ 13 Stars Above

* 1760’s to 1770’s *
The Sons of Liberty
Liberte All
French Button

* 1760’s – 1770’s *
The Sons of Liberty
Scottish Royal
Tribute Button

* 1767 – 1783 *
The British Army
Royal Artillery &
Regiment of Foot

* 1789 – 1793 *
Long Live the King
King & Constitution

* 1775 – 1783 *
America’s Royalists
& British Crown
Loyalist Buttons

* 1775-1784 *
G. Washington
Commander & Chief
Continental Army 

* 1775 – 1783 *
American Rattlesnake &
Propaganda Political Buttons

1777 Continental Army Enlisted Man's Pattern USA Pewter RJ Silverstein's Georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons.com O
* 1776 – 1784 *
The American
Continental Army
State Militia Regt.’s

* 1775 – 1784 *
The French Army
Troupes A Pied

Infanterie de Ligne 

* 1775 – 1780’s *
Continental Navy
French C. Troops
Royal Navy 1748 >

* 1792 – 1796 *
A. Wayne’s Legion
-1798 to 1802-
Infantry Regt.’s

* 1776 – 1802 *
Army Artillery

Artillerist & Eng.

* 1790 – 1854 *
– Dragoons –
Regt Of Riflemen
* Militia Rifles *

* 1776 – 1865 *
Various State
Militia Buttons

* 1808 – 1854 *
Federal Infantry
Army Regiments
Officers & Enlisted

* 1802 – 1865 *
U.S. Artillery Regt.
Artillery Corps
Militia Artillery

* 1812 – 1851 *
The Federal Army
Ordnance Dept.
Artillery & Corps

1832 Topographical Engineers 23mm convex brass georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons.com O
* 1813 – 1863 *
– Topographical –
Orig. General Staff
Engineers to Corps

* 1795 – 1863 *
United States
Diplomatic Service

* 1794 – 1865 *
U.S.A. Navy
Republic of Texas
Confederate Navy

Revenue Marine 1820's Albert' FD1-Tice RM200A21 rj silverstein's Georgewashingtoninaugralbuttons.com R-20
*1790 – 1863 *
– Dept of Treasury – Revenue Marine

1820's Marines Albert's MC 2 RJ Silverstein's Georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons.com O
* 1798 – 1865 *
– U.S. Marines –
Navy Department’s
Naval Infantry

* 1780-1815 *
Mason Fraternity Buttons
Scottish & English
Freemason Loyalists

ZL-WI 22-A GW WITH LIBERY CAP 22MM RJ Silverstein's georgewashingtoninauguralbuttons.com O
* 1789 *
Scottish-Royal Culture
Royal Family Bloodline

* 1778 – 1782 *
George Washington
Scottish Tribute
Gentry Spy Button

* 1776 – 1784 *
George Washington
Royal Sovereignty
Scot Spy Button

* 1776 – 1784 *
George Washington
Scottish Tribute
Jacobite Spy Button

* 1829-1837 *
Andrew Jackson
The 7th President
United States of America

1840 Presidential Nominee
William Henry Harrison
1st Whig President

* 18th & 19 Centruy *
Treasures From
The Isabela Collection
> X <

* 18th & 19th Century *
Military Generals
Navy Admirals
French & British

1861-65 Adjutant Generals Dept. 21mm Gilt Brass Dug Chancellorsville by Grover Simpkins Albert CS 50-Tice CSAG250A.1 No Shank Made in Paris 2
* 1860 – 1865 * Confederate States Army General & General Staff Local & British

* 1790 – 1815 *
United States
Fed & State

* 18th & 19th*

New Jersey
Jesuit Buttons

* 1799 *
Birthday Tribute
15 Star Fed. Eagle
1st Reverse Cuff

* 18th & 19th Cent. *
R.M. Documenting

Civilian 1-Piece
Metal Buttons
* 1791-1793 * America’s Rattlesnake
Don’t Tread On Me
Rev War Buttons & Flags


*Perfect Forgeries*
Education &
Anniversary Issues
* A James Madison *
March 4, 1789
Constitution Trib.


Robert Scot’s
13 Step Capped
Nubian Pyramid
Snake & Pine Tree

* 1816 – 1865 *
United States
Military Academies

Schools & Univ.
North & South

American Sovereign
Grand Archit Design
Scot Royal Culture
Insignia Allusions