General George Washington to Benjamine Franklin
Philadelphia, December 28, 1778.
Sir: The Marquis de la fayette having served with distinction as Major General in the Army of the United States, two Campaigns, has been determined by the prospects of an European War to return to his native Country.
It is with pleasure that I embrace the oppertunity of introducing to your personal acquaintance a Gentn. whose merit cannot have left him unknown to you by reputation. The generous motives which first induced him to cross the Atlantic; The tribute which he paid to gallantry at Brandy-wine; his success in Jersey before he had recovered of his Wound, in an affair where he commanded Militia against British Grenadiers; 27 the brilliant retreat by which he eluded a combined manoeuvre of the whole British force in the last Campaign; his services in the enterprize against Rhode Island, are such proofs of his Zeal, military ardour and talents as have endeared him to America, and must greatly recommend him to his Prince.
Coming with so many titles to claim your esteem, it were needless for any other purpose than to endulge my own feelings to add that I have a very particular friendship for him, and that whatever services you may have it in your power to render him will confer an obligation on one who has the honor to be etc.
Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette
Lafayette, was a French aristocrat and military officer who fought for the United States during the American Revolution. He was an advisor, and became a close friend to our Revolutionaries George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson. Later, Lafayette was a key figure in his own country’s French Revolution in 1789, and then in later years the July Revolution of 1830.
Lafayette’s American Revolutionary War Battles
Battle of Brandywine Battle of Mammoth
Battle of Gloucester Battle of Green Spring
Valley Forge Siege of Yorktown
Battle of Barren Hill
Lafayette’s French Revolutionary War Battles
The March on Versailles
Day of Daggers
Champ de Mars massacre
War of the First Coalition
July Revolution 1830.
1775 to 1794 Généraux (General) Dress Uniform Button / 5 Petal 7 Anther Center Flower.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: Commissioned Officer, General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: Yellow
Metal Composition: Low Convex, Gold Plated Brass Crimped over bone Disc.
Button Size: 26.98mm. Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a Bone back with 5 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A bone back with 5 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank attachment. The 5th or center hole is the result of the manufacturing process of the bone or wood disk. The yellow gold plated metal is crimped over the bone disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The RJ. Silverstein Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux (General) Dress Uniform Button / 5 Petal 13 Anther Center Flower.
2nd Known Pattern Variation
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: Commissioned Officer, General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: Yellow
Metal Composition: Low Convex, Gold Plated Brass Crimped over bone Disc.
Button Size: 27.01mm. Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a Bone back with 5 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A bone back with 5 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank attachment. The 5th or center hole is the result of the manufacturing process of the bone or wood disk. The yellow gold plated metal is crimped over the bone disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The David Gates Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux (General) Field Uniform Button. 5 Petal Flower Dome Stigma.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: White
Metal Composition: Cast White Metal: Silver.
Button Size: 17.02mm. Cuff Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre. Button made for field wear.
Reverse: A cast one-piece button with a loop shank.
The Joe Cuevas. Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux (General) Dress Button / 12 Stipple Cone Center.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: White.
Metal Composition: Silver’d Brass Crimped over a Wood Disc.
Button Size: 28.01mm. Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a wood back with 4 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A wood back with 4 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank. The yellow gold plated metal is crimped over a wood disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The David Gates Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux (General) Dress Button / 12 Stipple Cone Center.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: Yellow.
Metal Composition: Gilt Brass Crimped over a Wood Disc.
Button Size: 28.01mm. Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a wood back with 4 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A wood back with 4 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank. The yellow gold plated metal is crimped over a wood disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The David Gates Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux Uniform Button 10 Petal Lily Center & Cable Legend.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: Yellow.
Metal Composition: Gilt Brass Crimped over a Wood Disc.
Button Size: 30mm. Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a wood back with 4 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A wood back with 4 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank. The yellow gold plated metal is crimped over a wood disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The David Gates Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux (General) Dress Button 12 Petal Flower & 24 Stipple Legend.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: Yellow.
Metal Composition: Gilt Brass Crimped over a Wood Disc.
Button Size: 28.02mm. Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a wood back with 5 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A wood back with 5 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank. The yellow gold plated brass is crimped over a wood disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The David Gates Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux Uniform Button Floral Lily Center & 38 Stipple Legend
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: Yellow.
Metal Composition: Gilt Brass Crimped over a Wood Disc.
Button Size: 26.00mm. Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a wood back with 4 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A wood back with 4 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank. The yellow gold plated metal is crimped over a wood disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The D. Gates Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux (General) Dress Button Concave Sphere Center Thin Edge.
Speculative, I am not able to Document Military usage in L. Fallou or Bottet’s Book
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: Yellow.
Metal Composition: Gilt Brass Crimped over a Wood Disc.
Button Size: 28mm Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a wood back with 5 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A wood back with 5 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank. The yellow gold plated brass is crimped over a wood disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The David Gates Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux Field Wear Button? Concave Sphere Center Thick Edge.
Speculative, I am not able to Document Military Usage in L. Fallou or Bottet’s book.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: White.
Metal Composition: Copper Crimped over a Wood Disc.
Button Size: 30mm Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a wood back with 5 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A wood back with 5 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank. The yellow gold plated brass is crimped over a wood disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The David Gates Collection.
1775 to 1794 Généraux Staff Officer’s Button W/ Disc Center & Legend.
Speculative, I am not able to Document Military Usage in L. Fallou or Bottet’s book.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: Yellow.
Metal Composition: Gilt Brass Crimped over a Wood Disc.
Button Size: 30mm Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a wood back with 4 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A wood back with 4 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank. The yellow gold plated brass is crimped over a wood disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
1775 to 1794 Généraux Staff Officer’s Button Star Center W/ Fleur de Lis
Speculative, I am not able to Document Military Usage in L. Fallou or Bottet’s book.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: Yellow.
Metal Composition: Gilt Brass Crimped over a Wood Disc.
Button Size: 30mm Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse: This is a wood back with 5 holes. There are 5 types of officer’s button backs. This button is Type I: A wood back with 5 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank. The yellow gold plated brass is crimped over a wood disc. All General’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
1775-1794 French Inspector Generals & Staff Dress Uniform Button.
Button Use Date: 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: Commissioned Officer, General of the French Army.
Regulation Button Color: White
Metal Composition: White Plated Metal Wrapped over bone or wood.
Button Size: 26.50mm Cuff Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre
Reverse Button Analysis: This button is Type I: A wood back with 4 holes. The holes use either a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank attachment. The yellow gold plated metal is crimped over the wood disc. All generals buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The Joe Cuevas. Collection.
1775 to 1794 Aide de Camp. Dress Uniform Button.
Button Use Date: Sept 2, 1775-1794.
Prescribed Issue: Commissioned Officer to Staff.
Regulation Button Color: White
Metal Composition: Silver Plated White Metal Crimped over a Bone Disc.
Button Size: 26.50mm Coat Size.
Stations & Engagements: American & European Theatre.
Reverse Button Analysis: This button is Type I: A bone back with 5 holes. The 4 outer holes use a cut gut cord or a heavy thread for the shank attachment. The 5th or center hole is the result of the manufacturing process to the bone disk. The plated metal is crimped over a bone disc. All General Staff Officer’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The Joe Cuevas. Collection.
The British Empire’s Generals
1794 to 1812 British Generals Field Uniform Button
Button Color: Brass Yellow.
Metal: Flat, 1-Piece, Impressed Design, Gilt Brass.
Size: 24.53mm Coat Size.
Variety Type: Baton / Sword / Crossed / Laurel Wreath / Bow.
Present Condition: A Non Excavated Specimen, An Exceptional Planchet Condition, An Exceptional Impression Remains.
Obverse Button Analysis: The button’s pattern depicts a a Baton and Sword crossed in the center. Circling around the legend is a Laurel Wreath tied in a Bow at the bottom. The pattern is impressed on a slightly convex plain field with a flat lined edge trim. This button was known to be used by Generals in the North American theatre (Canada).
Reverse Button Analysis: This is a one-piece button with a loop shank. The shank is original, straight, and intact.
The RJ. Silverstein Collection.
1812 British Generals Field Wear Uniform Button
Button Color: A Coppery Reddish-Brown.
Metal: Flat, 1-Piece, Impressed Design, Gilt Brass.
Size: 17.14mm Cuff Size.
Rarity Rating: R-5
Variety Type: Baton / Sword / Crossed / Laurel Wreath / Bow.
Present Condition: A Dug Specimen, A Fair Planchet Condition, A Good Impression Remains.
Obverse Button Analysis: The button’s pattern depicts a a Baton and Sword crossed in the center. Circling around the legend is a Laurel Wreath tied in a Bow at the bottom. The pattern is impressed on a slightly convex plain field with a lined edge trim.
Reverse Button Analysis: This is a one-piece button with a loop shank. The shank is original, bent, but intact.
The RJ Silverstein Collection.
1810-12 British Generals & Staff Field Uniform Button
Button Color: Silver White Metal.
Metal: Convex, 2-Piece, Raised Design, Silver Plated White Metal.
Size: 23mm Coat Size.
Rarity Rating: R-5
Present Condition: A Non Excavated Specimen, An Exceptional Planchet Condition, An Exceptional High Relief Pattern Remains.
Obverse Button Analysis: This button was made by two manufacturers in both Gilt and Silver Plating. The button’s pattern depicts a a Baton and Sword crossed in the center. Circling around the legend is a Laurel Wreath tied in a Bow at the bottom. The high relief pattern is on a convex plain field with a lined edge trim.
Reverse Button Analysis: This button is a 1 piece button with a loop shank. British General Staff Officer’s buttons are bone or wood backs for dress, and cast for field wear.
The Joe Cuevas Collection.
1810-12 British Generals & Staff Field Wear Uniform Button
Button Color: Gold Plated Metal.
Metal: Convex, 1-Piece, Raised Design, Gilt Plated Metal.
Size: 23mm Coat Size.
Present Condition: A Non Excavated Specimen, An Exceptional Planchet Condition, An Exceptional High Relief Pattern Remains.
Obverse Button Analysis: Firmans is one of a few companies in England that made these Gilt specimens for a General & Staff Officer’s field uniforms. The button’s pattern depicts a a Baton and Sword crossed in the center. Circling around the legend is a Laurel Wreath tied in a Bow at the bottom. The pattern is impressed on a convex plain field with a lined edge trim.
Reverse Button Analysis: This button is a 1-piece concave button with a loops shank.